About Us

Hi, my name is Marion Owen...

Thirty-five years ago, I was like you, a frustrated gardener!

Yes, I had a passion for gardening. But I had no idea what I was doing. Back then, there was no YouTube, no internet.

Sometimes I was lucky and my efforts were rewarded. Most of the time I was left feeling discouraged. Because of the mistakes I made, the hours I wasted, and the money I lost,  I nearly gave up.

As the years went by, I managed to develop a green thumb.

Now, three decades later, I write a weekly garden column.
I've been featured in Better Homes & Gardens, Reader's Digest and Organic Gardening.

I've even written a New York Times bestseller,
"Chicken Soup for the Gardener's Soul", which has inspired many gardeners around the globe.

Having felt the frustration that only beginners know, I decided that my legacy would be to help other like-minded gardeners fast-track their journey to gardening success!

I opened my home and invited local gardeners in for small training sessions.

As I helped more and more people, I started receiving requests from all over the world for help. With a full diary, I decided to take my teaching online.

My first course was "Joy of Composting", which I am proud to say has helped hundreds of people improve their gardens without resorting to harsh chemicals.

But I knew people needed more, which is why I am glad that you have ound my website which is packed with 35 years of gardening knowledge.

Don't forget to sign up for our various guides and each week you will learn over the coming months a series of techniques that will help you establsih your own dream graden!
