Marion Owen has been featured in:

How did a group of gardeners transform their gardens, without feeling overwhelmed and stuck, even after years of dreaming about it but didn't know where to start?

Would you like to know the #1 Secret to Successful Gardening? 

  • Join Marion Owen in a special online Zoom forum where she will teach you the key fundamentals that will allow you to create the garden you have always wanted. 

  • Please note: Marion is limiting this training to a small group of people, where she will create a garden plan for each student that can be implemented immediately. 

  • THIS IS ONLINE EVENT LIMITED TO A SELECT GROUP! Secure your place book today!

The only gardening Course you need to create your dream garden

Mod 1 Welcome to the Compost Academy
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Vegetable Gardening 101

Marion Owen shows you how to avoid the big gardening mistakes that cost time & money

If you can relate to the following, read this page before you waste more time and money: 
  • You're new to gardening and are embarrassed by your efforts! Because you're just learning, your garden is not going to look perfect. Yet. But now you're starting to wonder if all your money has been wasted. What's worse, you've invited your friends over to show off your new garden. "If they don't like it, what should I do?"
  • No matter how many YouTube videos you watch and gardening magazines you read, nothing seems to work in your garden! You won't be the last person who decided to bite the bullet and follow guides in your favorite gardening magazines only to find out that your attempts look nothing like the photos you admired while having a snack at your favorite coffee shop.
  • You just don't know who to believe! No sooner do you read about a certain tip and share it with your longtime gardening friend, when she turns and says, "No dear, that's not correct."
  • You were determined to never use chemicals, but you failed. Despite your best efforts to kick-start your garden and keep it weed-free, you broke the one promise you made to yourself: "My garden will always be chemical-free!"
  • You're stuck and don't know what to do next. You pictured a weed-free garden filled with lush, vibrant plants. Thing is, you started with good intentions, but the beds looks sparse with big gaps between plants. You cry out for help but don't know where to turn. Surely someone must know what you need to do next?

Don't despair! You can learn the key to planning a garden. This simple system will save you hundreds of dollars and many hours of unnecessary heartache. 

Hi, my name is Marion Owen and I teach gardeners how to transform their gardens on a budget...

Thirty-five years ago, I was like you, a frustrated gardener!

Yes, I had a passion for gardening. But I had no idea what I was doing. Back then, there was no YouTube, no internet.

Sometimes I was lucky and my efforts were rewarded. Most of the time though, I was discouraged... The mistakes I made, the hours I wasted, and the money I lost. I almost gave up.

As the years went by, I somehow managed to develop a green thumb.

Now, three decades later, I write a weekly garden column. And I've been featured in Better Homes & Gardens, Reader's Digest and Organic Gardening.

I've even written a New York Times bestseller, "Chicken Soup for the Gardener's Soul", which has inspired gardeners around the globe.

Having felt the frustration that only beginners know, I decided that my legacy would be to help other like-minded gardeners fast-track their journey to gardening success!

I opened my home and invited local gardeners in for small training sessions. 

As I helped more and more people, I started receiving requests from all over the world for help. With a full diary, I decided to take my teaching online.

My first course was the Compost Academy, which I'm happy to say has helped hundreds of people improve their gardens without resorting to chemical herbicides, fungicides, or fertilizers.

But I knew people needed more, which is why I am glad to announce that...

In this three-part program, I will share with you a set of planning strategies that will give you the know-how to create a better garden.
Plus, over the past 35 years, I have created a set of guides that will help you in your planning process. I wish I had access to these guides when I started laying out the plans for my garden!

I know how hard it can be to start a garden from scratch. When I started my first garden the yard was mostly gravel and dead roots -- a complete mess. Even after the bulldozers had cleared away much of the rubbish, the task of creating a garden -- let alone a dream garden -- seemed out of reach. 

However with the right knowledge and proper planning I was able to create a dream garden without wasting money. The system that worked for me can work for you. The advantage you have, is that I will join you on the planning journey. I will take my 35 years of gardening know-how and show you how to plan the right garden for your home.

Below are three photos showing you what is possible with the right strategy. By the time you have started to implement the strategies I will share with you in my program, you will be on your way to achieving the garden you've always wanted, but seemed out of reach.

Over the years, I documented the steps I took to establish my garden in my weekly gardening column and in the many radio and TV interviews I've done. 

Now I understand, you don't want to wait 35 years! So I have developed a step-by-step system that will enable you to turn an empty lot into the foundations of the garden you've always wanted. 

"Marion, how will I know if this program will work for my garden? Does it work for different styles of gardens?" 
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Recently, I delivered a three-day workshop where I helped a group of frustrated gardeners transform a heap of different ideas they had tried with no success into coherent garden layouts. I showed them where to replant their plants, and by the end of the workshop, they were excited as they now had a well-designed layout and action plan for their garden. 

One student said, "Marion, today I realized my dream. I now know how to best use the space in my garden. I no longer need to spend lots of money hoping for the best. I can now see the light at the end of the tunnel. Thank you!"

Many of these folks arrived at my workshop disheartened and discouraged. They had spent hundreds of dollars over the years on plants, materials, and tools that either didn't perform as they'd hoped or, as in the case of the plants, were dying from too much sun, too much shade, water...

It was amazing to see the difference it made to these gardeners once they learned the fundamentals of garden planning.

Here is a video from Marilyn Kreta, one of the participants, sharing her thoughts on what she had learned:

Each member of the group had a different style of garden. Some people were into ornamental gardens, others were focused on growing vegetables and fruits, while others preferred a mix of flowers and vegetables. Each person brought their individual flare to their garden, but they all struggled as none had been taught the basics of planning a garden.

Most people need to understand that without a basic understanding of garden planning, you end up making costly mistakes and finish up with a garden that leaves you with more headaches and frustration because it has become harder to maintain -- WAY more than you can manage.

As the workshop came to a close, it was evident that the garden plans they had developed on the weekend had lifted an emotional burden off each of them. After suffering years of disappointment and wasting money on plants that did not work within their garden, the group headed home with a plan of action.

That's why this program will work for you, as I will teach you the fundamentals of garden planning that apply to all gardens, whether your focus is flowers or vegetables or both. Without this knowledge, you could spend the rest of your days struggling to create your dream garden.

garden workshop

Having delivered such a successful workshop, Marion started reaching out to past clients she had taught online in different parts of North America, Canada, India, Australia and New Zealand to see if they wanted to experience the same training online. 

The response was overwhelmingly positive. People from different countries want to learn the art of planning a garden. Many of these people have attended Marion's "Compost Academy" course and love the value she brings to her training sessions.

Knowing that other people could benefit from this three-part program, Marion is now offering you the chance to join a group of online students who see the value in transforming their gardens using Marion's well-developed planning system.

Unfortunately, due to the limitations of Zoom, only a select group of people will join this live training online.

But for those who secure a position in the online classroom, Marion will reveal the steps necessary to implement her 12-month gardening program.

"Marion, is your gardening course suitable for beginners? What if I have little time to spare and a limited budget. Will it work for me?" 

"Yes, it is so simple..." 

"One of my students, Christine Kaineg, is a busy working mother with a 5-year old daughter from the state of Virginia in North America.

"Christine was so happy with what she achieved that she shared her feedback in the video below."

Marion has a wonderful teaching style. She's knowledgeable, entertaining, and she cuts through all the misinformation, contradictions and confusions that are on the internet and on YouTube. 

She'll work with you directly to address your specific needs and situation. And I highly recommend her lectures and her classes, and I definitely recommend the Compost Academy.

Marion is a real person that you can email or connect with, or set up a Zoom call with throughout the course. She welcomes all questions and answers them thoughtfully and knowledgeably. And that just goes such a long way. I really appreciated this experience.

Christine Kaineg, Virginia, USA

To join Marion's program register your place before January 31, 2023

Book early to receive a 30% discount!


You missed out!

How to create a simple garden your friends would love without breaking your back or your bank account

Your Course Presenter: Marion Owen

Just when you thought your dream garden was out of reach, you now have access to Marion's program that guides you through a series of steps to establish the key foundations for your new garden

Marion's program contains three key components:

Part One: Marion's step-by-step live Zoom training will allow you to plan the perfect garden layout

The first part of Marion's training holds the key to your success as a long-term gardener.

You will have the opportunity to join Marion in a live training session on Zoom, including an interactive Q&A, where you will learn the steps involved in planning your garden. 

This training takes the guesswork out of planning a garden. How often have you seen something at your local garden center, only to find that it does not look how you thought it would when you get it home?

Never again will you face this disappointment as Marion will walk you through the exact steps to plan the perfect garden for your yard.

In total, you will join Marion online for two live training sessions. And if, at any time you need further help, she is available via email to answer your questions.

Marions training sessions

Here are some of the key things Marion will share with you so that your garden is in harmony with your land and produces the type of space that is inviting to not only you but your friends and family:

• How to work with what you already have (buildings, trees, paths)
• How to consider the relationship between indoor and outdoor living spaces
• How to better manage drainage problems: Where water might collect or drain
• How to best position Perennials vs. Annuals (cost, color, maintenance, use)
• How to place Exotic (cost, survivability, maintenance, prone to pests, diseases) vs. native (available, hardier, durable, better adapted to microclimates, fit in with surroundings) plants in your layout
• How to ensure you utilize sun, shade, partial shade, dry or wet conditions, etc so that your garden is in harmony with the environment. 
• How to plant in fall vs. spring - what works best for your location.
• How to choose which vegetables do you want to grow and how to establish the layout that makes growing vegetables a pleasure not hard work.
• How to know whether you are better off growing your plants either outside or in a greenhouse
• How to determine the best approach for designing raised beds to take advantage of exposure (sun, wind, etc.)
• How to use plants of different heights, texture, color (flowers or foliage)
• How best to repeat plant forms, colors or textures to give unity to design
• How to balance plants and structures of similar visual importance (can be symmetrical or asymmetrical)
• How to provide some contrast in color, texture, form, or height,
• How does scale of plants work with each other and nearby buildings 

Once you have been shown how to work with all these elements, covered a lot more in-depth in the gardening guides below, you will be asked to download Marion's simple garden planning sheet. Following Marion's approach, you can map out your dream garden layout that is a pleasure to create and inviting to friends and family.

Then in a second Zoom session, Marion will review your garden plan and point out key improvements you need to make so that your garden not only looks good but is in harmony with your environment.

One of the struggles many gardeners have is working independently, and that's why it is good to have a fresh set of eyes to point out necessary changes. Thankfully Marion will bring her 35 years of gardening experience to the session. Having advised hundreds of gardeners on good layout and design Marion will point out how to improve your garden's layout.

planning your garden

Part Two: Marion's Gardening Guide Books

It might be your first time in the garden, or you are returning to a garden that has seen better days. Whatever your situation, Marion will take you back to the basics and teach you a set of well-honed gardening practices she has developed over the past 35 years.

We are constantly bombarded each day with loads of information. Many of us operate in overload and don't need more information - we need the correct information that puts us in the driver's seat. 

To help simplify your learning curve, Marion has produced a set of guides that are easy to read and straight to the point. They give you clear next actions so that you can spend more time having success in the garden than spending hours trying to read hundreds of pages containing unnecessary theory.

These guides get to the point quick-smart so you can spend more time in the garden putting into practice what you need to create your dream garden.

Part Three: 12-Month Gardening Masterplan

The final step that brings it all together is encapsulated in a detailed 12-month masterplan Marion has produced for you. Never again will you have to guess what needs to be done in the garden each week. This comprehensive masterplan guides you through the four seasons, so you know what you need to do in advance to maintain the garden you have created.

I don't need to tell you that facing a harsh winter can be a challenge for the most experienced garden, let alone a novice, so this guide walks you through the steps to prepare your garden so that it is ready to thrive when Spring time rolls around.

All of us love the idea of planting seedlings. It is a time to experiment, try some new and fresh. But what is the best time of the year to focus on new seedlings?

The answer to this gardening question and many others is to be found in Marion Owen's recently written - "Your 12-Month Gardening Masterplan".

Gardening Masterplan Cover

It is crucial to have an overview of what to expect each month of the year. It's helpful to have the answers to questions like:

  • Which are the busiest, most demanding months in the garden?
  • When will I have time to plan and get organized?
  • What materials and equipment should I have on hand in preparation for each month?
  • What harvests will I miss out on by taking a vacation during a specific month?

Marion's 12 monthly garden masterplan shows you how the work in your garden will flow throughout the year. 

To be a successful gardener, you need to know two things: How to do something and when to do it.

Both concepts are thoroughly tackled in this approach to gardening, leaving no stone unturned to guide home gardeners -- whether you are growing vegetables, flowers, herbs, or creating a landscape — through a year of growing. The emphasis is on organic techniques.

By following the guide-points detailed in this companion masterplan, you'll be well on your way to a beautiful and bountiful garden that will provide pleasure throughout the year.

Marion's students share their thoughts...

Heather Corriere - Kodiak, Alaska

Clint M., Calgary, AB

"This was money well spent. For 20+ years I wasted my time composting.

"It took six months to make a batch of compost that made little difference to our garden anyway. 

"I now understand what actually happens in a compost heap and I have a whole new level of enthusiasm for gardening."

Clint M

Judy Phillips - Kodiak, Alaska

Jodie Vee, Atlanta, GA

"Marion Owen is a rock star! The Compost Academy jump-started my new garden!

"Highly recommend! It would make a great gift for anyone you know who wants to get started or take a garden to the next level."

Jodie Vee

Christine Kaineg - Alexandria, Virginia

Georgia B., Anchorage, AK

"Thanks to the Compost Academy I won't be taking enormous bags of grass clippings, leaves, and food waste to the dump.

"I’ll be making compost! I didn’t just learn about composting. I learned so much about gardening.

"I didn’t have a mentor until I met Marion Owen in the Compost Academy.

Georgia B

Phil Carl - Columbia Falls, Montana

Silvia H., Edmonton, AB

I have just finished the Compost Academy and I highly recommend it!

"Marion Owen is an amazing, knowledgeable tutor, witty, and super helpful!

Silvia H

Hazel Krumm

About Marion Owen - Your Gardener's Coach

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Vegetable Gardening 101
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Hello, I'm Marion Owen

Yes, I work, relax, and love life on Kodiak Island. My husband, Marty, and I operate an oceanfront B&B we appropriately named the Cliff House B&B.

Thirty-five years ago, I was like you, a frustrated gardener!

Yes, I had a passion for gardening. But I had no idea what I was doing. Back then, there was no YouTube and no internet.

Sometimes I was lucky, and my efforts were rewarded. Most of the time I was left feeling discouraged. Because of the mistakes I made, the hours I wasted, and the money I lost, I nearly gave up.

As the years went by, I managed to develop a green thumb.

Now, three decades later, I write a weekly garden column. I've been featured in Better Homes & GardensReader's Digest and Organic Gardening.

I've even written a New York Times bestseller, "Chicken Soup for the Gardener's Soul", which has inspired thousands of gardeners around the globe.

Having felt the frustration that only beginners know, I decided that my legacy would be to help other like-minded gardeners fast-track their journey to gardening success!

How can you join this three-part program?

What is included in Marion's program?

Two Live Online Training Sessions

You will have the unique opportunity to join Marion in two live training sessions on Zoom, including interactive Q&As, where you will learn the steps involved in planning a garden. 

And if at any time you get stuck or need further help, Marion is available via email to answer your questions.

Marions training sessions

Comprehensive Library of Marion's Gardening Guides

To simplify your learning curve, Marion has produced a set of guides that are easy to read and straight to the point. 

Each guide gives you clear, action steps so you can spend more time dabbling in your "happy place" garden than spending hours on the YouTube hamster wheel or trying to wade through hundreds of pages of untried theory.

Marion Owen's 12-Month Gardening Masterplan

The final step brings it all together with a comprehensive, 12-month masterplan that Marion has created for you. 

This detailed masterplan guides you through the four seasons, so you know what you need to do in advance to maintain the garden you have created.

The answer to this gardening question and many others is to be found in Marion Owen's recently compiled, "Your 12-Month Gardening Masterplan."

Gardening Masterplan Cover

 Marion's Live Training Normally $250   Book Today $179 and Save 30%  

Marions Gardening Resoucres
  • Marion Owen's comprehenisve set of guides
  • The 12-Month Gardening Masterplan




/per person


Peggy Demmert says, "Get off the fence and do Marion's program - you'll love it!"


Fully Protected by Our 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee.


If, for any reason, you don't like this program on the first day, you can get a full refund. If you have any issues, at the end of the first day please speak with Marion and she will either help you out until you get the results you need or give you a swift refund.

All the best,

Marion Owen signature