Seed-Starting Secrets Replay

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Seed Starting

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About Seed-Starting Secrets Replay

Video lesson

In this 90-Minute workshop you’ll learn my secrets from 40 years of gardening experience for raising seeds indoors so your plants will look like healthy starts from a professional greenhouse and continue to thrive even after you transplant them outside. This is the year to grow your own vegetable, herb, and flower seedlings that radiate with health, wellness, and vitality. No more spindly, sad little plants that are barely surviving. This year your seeds are going to thrive.

Video lesson

The BEST DIY seed starting mix for starting your own seeds. In this video, I share clips from my Seed-Starting Secrets workshop -- including seed-starting myths and my REVIEWS of seed-starting containers.

Video lesson

Can you start seeds too early? Too late? In today's video, I'll show you how to figure out WHEN to start seeds indoors so you can transplant seedlings at the right time. Plus, I'll share the two tips I've used for 35 years that helped me go from overwhelmed to organized when starting seeds. Plus, you'll find oodles of resources below. Enjoy.

Video lesson

Frustrated because your seeds didn't germinate? Learn about dormancy in seeds (I keep it simple) plus easy ways to break dormancy so you can improve your seed germination rates.

Video lesson

Today you'll learn how to grow spinach, prepare your fall vegetable garden, divide perennials, bring plants indoors, plus more fall garden ideas

About Your Teacher

Marion Owen

Hi there, I am Marion! I’ve been gardening for decades, so I’ve pulled my hair out over a few seasons, wondering what I did wrong. And yes, I’ve returned to the nursery to buy replacement plants more times than I’d like to admit…

I knew there had to be a better, easier way to grow seedlings without all the guesswork and stress. So I spent 10 years experimenting with starting seeds, talking with experts, trying new techniques, and letting go of all of the standard gardening “rules” that just didn’t work…

Bit by proven bit, I crafted the 'Seed-Starting Secrets' workshop around my High-Five method to clear up all the confusing and conflicting information out there. I’ve found this High-Five Method is the most effective way to help all gardeners repeatedly and successfully raise a family of plants without pulling their hair out or sneaking back to the nursery (like me!) to buy replacement plants…For over 30 years, I've helped gardeners around the world through my classes, weekly organic gardening columns, and international conferences as a keynote speaker and workshop presenter.

My photographs have been featured by the Nature Conservancy, Reader's Digest, and The Smithsonian. I also co-authored Chicken Soup for the Gardener's Soul, which spent three happy months on The New York Times bestseller list.

Gardeners deserve a tried-and-true method for starting seeds that actually work. Seed-Starting Secrets follows my proven, no-nonsense "High-Five" method that I developed after years of experience and trial and error, and it will give you the garden of your dreams. No confusion, no stress, no guesswork. Just beautiful, thriving seedlings that mature into beautiful, thriving plants in your garden.

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